Wednesday, June 22, 2011


By: Gerry N. Peralta

Afternoons when the sky
Turns a shade

And the sun creams
The foamy clouds

I sit and sip
Life's bitter-sweet

Thankful that,
If only for coffee,
Life's already
Well lived.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When I noticed the roots growing out
Of the bonsai tray today,
After clipping and snipping the branches and twigs
For a hundred weeks,
I heard the sound of scissors in me, crying
Clipping the wings of warm tending
Unto, perhaps, a final fold
The playground of small, fallen aratilles
Turning into a dell of desolate leaves
Still infantile yet infirm in their aged minuteness
I leave the tray on the landing
The next half of stairs, growing shorter and smaller,
As I rush to answer the door
My son - home from a final tour
Of duty?
You are as distant as a sun flare from a sunflower, but you touch me with a nearness the universe has ever since known, the intimacy of a moonbeam reflecting in a dewdrop.